The boys in my group were really fun and we had many good discussions - sometimes even on the topic. This camp also gave me the oportunity to spend time with the young lady my wife (Cheryl) and I spornor. Her name is Svetlana. She lives in the city of Cahul (southern Moldova) and she is studying in the cooking college - meaning she is learning a trade (cooking) and will also earn a high school diploma. I learned that she is also very interested in learning about keeping bees. This summer she has been working in the fields to earn extra money for her mother and younger siblings. The days are long and hot and she earns the equivalent of just about $9 a day.
Saturday night was a wonderful night of celebration - a special meal (with coke), a Christain rock concert (yes, very loud), an awsome fireworks display followed by a roaring camp fire and to top off the evening - a cantina was set up to serve special coffee, tea, chocolate and cookies. The celebrating went on until 2 am. The next moring started a little slow but all that we had was breakfast, packing up and tearful good-byes.
So, for now, good bye Tabara Calarasi, good bye my friends and good by Moldova.